ASTER Global DEM (GDEM) available!

Published: Jun 30, 2009 by CarlosGrohmann

Good news!

It was just announced that NASA/METI released today the 30m global (83degreesNS, about 22600 scenes) ASTER GDEM based on 1,264,118 single ASTER dems from 1.4 million scenes in total. (95% vertical ci: 20 meters, 95% horizontal ci: 30 meters).

According to Hannes Reuter, “the link to the evaluation report will be probably be published today/the coming days. as i/we had the possibility to evaluate 5 tiles beforehand - from our analysis i/we can tell that you will run into some of the following: step anomalies across mosaicing edges, mole runs, sinks (we observed some down to 180m below the surrounding), artifical mountains (up to 200m), noise, non existing water mask, in case only a couple of images.

see or LP DAAC

Since a large traffic is expected in the first days, restrictions of 100 tiles apply and only 16 connections at the same time are allowed.

Concept of ASTER G-DEM development (credit: METI/NASA)

science dem aster gdem


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